Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Welcome Peter Murray - 'author'

Welcome to the WCCA Students web-page.

All future contributions gratefully received!

Peter G S Murray
Click HERE for Wikipedia's views on PGS M


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

The 2014 Student Drawing Prize

The Jonathan and Victoria Ball Award

Schools of Architecture in the Greater London Area are invited in the summer term each year to nominate one student on a RIBA Part 1 course and one student on a Part 2 course for the Company's annual student drawing prize. The 2014 prize winners and runners up in each category are shown below.

Part 2 Prize Winner 2014 - Laurence York, University of Greenwich

Part 1 Prize Winner - Anna Pizova, The Cass, London Metropolitan University

Part 2 Runner Up - Suzi Pain, The Cass, London Metropolitan University

Part 1 Runner Up - Dan Rymer Trenholme, University of Greenwich

The Stuart Murphy Travel Award 2014

The Winner of this year's Travel Award, which was announced at the 2014 Election Court dinner, was Matt Loosley of the University of Westminster and the Runners Up were William Burgess of The Cass at London Metropolitan University and Guy Rochez of the Royal College of Art.

The 2014 Winner, Matt Loosley, is travelling around India to document the modernist architectural ruins encountered through a series of photographs. Matt's trip will inform his Masters thesis on the "Modernist Ruins of India", so called because although the buildings still stand and some are in use their future is under threat. Matt is recording his findings on a blog at and he will also present them in a lecture at RIBA in the New Year.
William Burgess will travel overland to Northern Europe to photograph the Gothic religious buildings of Northern Europe, "Between the Cathedral and the Wild Sea" and Guy Rochez will visit Italy to explore "The Theatre of Food", focusing on the experiential relationship between space, locale and food.

The Stuart Murphy Travel Award has been offered annually since 2008 by the Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects with the support of the Royal Institute of British Architects. The award provides an international travel grant to a student or group of students enrolled on a RIBA validated Part 2 course in a school of architecture in the Greater London area. Applications for next year's award will be invited following presentations by all three 2014 prize winners at RIBA in the New Year - keep an eye out for details here.

Canterbury Cathedral by William Burgess

Friday, 27 June 2014

Student Practice Visit to Farrells

Farrells, the practice founded by Sir Terry Farrell, kindly hosted a practice visit by the Master, the Clerk, a group of Company students and their Mentors and the Master of Students earlier this month, June 2014.

Partner Max Farrell gave us an introduction to the history of the practice and discussed the Farrell Review with us. We were also given a guided tour of their studios in a former wartime aircraft factory which was followed by the presentation of three current projects in the practice by their young project architects and team members.

The projects ranged from a refurbished Art Deco building plus new residential tower in East London through a large mixed use development on the site of the old Lots Road power station that once powered the London Underground to a huge transport infrastructure and master plan for Old Oak Common in West London.

We also discussed the challenges of working internationally particularly in China where the practice has had the opportunity to develop schemes of a scale unimaginable in Europe.

Photograph supplied by Farrells

Friday, 28 February 2014


The Stuart Murphy Award


The WCCA Travel Award has been offered annually since 2008 by the Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects with the support of the Royal Institute of British Architects. The Award provides an international travel grant to a student or a group of students enrolled in a RIBA-validated Part 2 course in a School of Architecture in the Greater London area. The objective of the Award is to allow a student or a group of students to conduct research on the topic and in the location of their choice. It is hoped that the research will enrich the Award holder’s studies in the field of Architecture contributing to the development of their course work as well as to the advancement of architectural knowledge.

Award details

One or more awards of up to a total of £2,000 are made to a student or a group of students.

The travel, which must take place outside the UK, will be concluded in no longer than 2 months and will take place during the summer holidays following completion of the first year of a Part 2 course and prior to enrolling in the second year of the course.

The successful applicant/s will be asked to produce a report of the project; this can be but does not have to be part of a dissertation.


Applicants must be enrolled in the first year of a RIBA-validated Part 2 course in a School of Architecture in the Greater London area. 

The eligible Schools are: Architectural Association, Kingston University, London Metropolitan University, London South Bank University, Royal College of Art, University College London, University of East London, University of Greenwich and the University of Westminster.


To apply for the award please download and complete the application form.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 6pm on Monday 28th April 2014 

Shortlisted applicants will need to be available to attend an interview.

Please return completed applications to: 


Anne Markey
WCCA Master of Students

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Travel Award 2013 talk at the RIBA

The photo below is of the Master, Jaki Howes, handing a cheque to Chris Bisset, from the Architectural Association school of architecture, at the RIBA on Tuesday, 28 January, 2014.

Chris had just given an excellent presentation on 'The tradition of copying in Japan' - the subject of his journey - to an audience  comprising about seventy people. He was a worthy winner of the WCCA's Stuart Murphy Travel Award - probably the best candidate so far.

The WCCA Travel Award for  2014 will be administered by Anne Markey, the company's Master of Students.